You Can Make a Difference

Gateway Church, either as a whole or as individuals, supports many worthwhile causes and missionaries.  After all, Jesus said to, "go and make disciples of all nations" (Matthew 28:19).  Furthermore, He also said that when we serve the poor, those in prison, or those less fortunate than we are, it's as if we are serving Him (Matthew 25:34-40).  If you'd like to give to any of the following, just click on the link associated with the ministry you want to give to.

  • Foursquare Missions International (FMI)

    sharing the gospel worldwide

    Foursquare Missions International deploys and supports trained U.S. missionaries around the world to effectively share the gospel.  Currently they serve in 136 countries, and actively seek to cultivate healthy church movements that multiply worldwide.  To learn more about FMI and hear stories from the field, click here.  To give online, go to our Give page and select "Foursquare Missions" on the pull-down menu.

  • thinkSMALL (Gary & Paula Hays)


    thinkSMALL is a tremendously effective ministry that is rescuing children all over the world from human trafficking, meth, and utter despair into a personal and saving relationship with Jesus and true discipleship that is transforming their lives.  Since 2007, thinkSMALL has led over 900,000 people to Christ with over 80% of those being children.  For the last few years Gateway's Christmas offering has gone entirely to thinkSMALL.  To learn more about thinkSMALL, click here. To give online, go to our Give page and select "thinkSMALL" on the pull-down menu.

  • Foursquare Disaster relief (FDR)

    When Disaster Strikes, Foursquare Responds

    When disaster strikes, Foursquare Disaster Relief is ready to respond.  FDR serves those affected by natural disasters, diseases or war worldwide by partnering with local churches, providing spiritual care and meeting physical needs.  To learn more about FDR, click here. To give online, go to our Give page and select "Foursquare Disaster Relief" on the pull-down menu.

  • Children's Gospel Box


    The mission and vision of the Children's Gospel Box is to is to resource and train children’s workers in poorer countries so that they are empowered to win the children in their community to Christ and disciple them for a lifelong commitment...and to help them do this free of charge. The CG Box is a literal box that includes everything a local church in a foreign country would need to either begin a Sunday School ministry or improve an existing one.  Over a million children have received the gospel message with over half being first time conversions.  To learn more about Children's Gospel Box, click here.  To give online, go to our Give page and select "Children's Gospel Box" on the pull-down menu.

  • You Medical


    She's pregnant and scared...but You Medical (formerly the Tri-Cities Pregnancy Network) can help.  They provide LIFE-affirming services to those who are pregnant and parenting.  All of their services are free and confidential.  To learn more about You Medical or to give, click here.

  • YoungLIVES

    Helping Teen Moms

    Tri-Cities Young Lives is a nonprofit outreach program with the goal of walking alongside the young/teen moms in our communities in the trenches of parenting to offer faith-based support, mentorship, community, and resources.  To learn more about Tri-Cities Young Lives, visit their facebook page.  To give, click here.

  • Mirror ministries

    There's no Place Like Hope

    Mirror Ministries’ mission is to respond to domestic minor sex trafficking with the love of Christ through local education, intervention, restoration and aftercare.  Their vision is to see local victims of sex trafficking become survivors who have hope, healing, and restoration.  To learn more about Mirror Ministries or to give, click here.

  • The a21 Campaign


    Founded by Christine and Nick Caine in 2008, The A21 Campaign is an anti-human trafficking organization dedicated to abolishing slavery in the 21st century. The A21 Campaign’s comprehensive approach includes raising awareness, preventing future trafficking, taking legal action, and providing rehabilitation services to survivors. To learn more about A21 or to give click here.  To learn more about Christine and Nick Caine, click here.

  • Called to Rescue

    Defending the defenseless

    In today’s world, there are 1.2 million children being sex-trafficked every year and 27 million people in slavery in developing countries.  Called to Rescue is a non-profit, faith neutral, world wide organization founded by Dr. Greg and Dr. Cindy Romine dedicated to rescuing of minor children from sex trafficking, violence, and abuse.  To lean more about Called to Rescue or to give, click here.

  • Forge Youth Mentoring

    Connecting Generations / strengthening communities / changing Lives

    The mission of Forge Youth Mentoring is "connecting generations to restore hope in our communities and help young people discover and pursue their true potential."  Forge Youth Mentoring believes in the power of intentional multi-generational relationships. Their program offers a safe place for kids ages 7-18 to connect with a trusted adult and build a friendship that lasts a lifetime!  To learn more about Forge or to give, click here.

  • Adult & Teen Challenge Tri-Cities

    Hope Lives here!

    The Adult & Teen Challenge Tri-Cities Men's Outeach is a non-profit faith-based program for men who are 18 years or older, whose lives are being destroyed by life-controlling problems whether that be drugs, alcohol, gang activity, destructive behavior, or other negative life styles.  Adult & Teen Challenge exists not to just help men gain freedom from addictive behaviors but to help them become new creations in Christ Jesus.  To learn more about Adult & Teen Challenge Tri-Cities or to give, click here.

  • Prison Fellowship

    "Remember those in Prison"

    Founded by Chuck Colson, Prison Fellowship is a Christian ministry responding to the needs of prisoners and envisions a future where a restorative approach to crime and incarceration creates safer communities..  Prison Fellowship believes that no life is beyond God’s reach. To learn more about Prison Fellowship or to donate, click here

  • Lifewater

    Loving Our neighbors through safe water

    People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care.  Lifewater is a Christian organization that has been providing clean and safe water to impoverished people in third world countries for over 40 years.  By providing this basic need for people, they are able to share about the living water found in Christ.  To learn more about Lifewater or to give, click here.

  • Missionary Aviation Fellowship


    Sharing the love of Jesus Christ through aviation and technology so that isolated people may be physically and spiritually transformed.   Missionary Aviation Fellowship serves people who deal with challenges due to isolation in regions such as Africa, Asia, Eurasia, and Latin America by providing aviation, communications, learning technology services, medical care, food, Bibles, building supplies, and most importantly, the Gospel.  To learn more about MAF or to give, click here.

  • The Gideons International

    Let's spread the Good News!

    The Gideons is an Association of Christian business and professional men and their wives who are dedicated to reaching the unchurched through sharing personally and by distributing Scriptures.  They have placed almost two billion Bibles in hotels, schools and colleges, prisons and jails, and hospitals and medical offices throughout the world.  To learn more about The Gideons, to see and hear testimonies, or to give, click here.

  • Missionaries to France

    Doc & Carol Krebs

    Gateway Church has a special place in Doc and Carol Krebs' hearts as they served here for many years before moving to Spokane in 2007.  Now they are serving as long-term missionaries in France with Greater Europe Mission where they partner with local church plants (statistically the most effective way to reach unchurched people) there and focus on raising up and facilitating teams of people who will pray and intercede, for "Unless the Lord builds the house, the laborers build in vain" (Psalm 127:1).  To partner monthly or give a one time gift to the Krebs, click here.