At Gateway, we believe that church is a team sport and not a one-man show. We believe that since Jesus has called us all to be servants, there is no task too menial or beneath us. Everyone pitches in, rolls up their sleeves, and gets dirty. We don't serve for applause or accolades. We defer the attention to others and the glory to Jesus. Every leader is accessible because everyone matters! If you would like to connect with one of our leaders, contact us at and they will get back to you in a timely manner.
Meet Our Team Leaders
With Pastor Mel, what you see is what you get. He is not one way on Sunday mornings and a different person the rest of the week. He's not afraid to tell it like it is whether that's sharing about his own doubts and struggles or teaching on a controversial subject. He and Denise have three boys: Caleb, Austin, and Chase. Mel loves fishing, football, baseball, movies, and worship. Denise loves shopping, flip flops, and Starbucks (triple tall 1% extra hot latte). And they both love their dogs!
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Brian and Iris have three kids: Sophia, Adrianna, and Silas. Brian loves music and owns many guitars. Iris is a fitness instructor for pre and postnatal mothers. Both of them are foodies (Thai food is their favorite!), aspiring travelers and hikers, and Dutch Brothers' best customers. They are all about their family and doing life together. They both love youth!
Matt & Raquel
Worship CO-Leaders
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Ethan & Samantha Vogtman
MEdia & Productions Lead
Worship CO-Leaders
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Tom Ravella
Greeting Team Lead
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Ryan Scott
Service Director
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Tom & Cindy MOrris
MIssions & Pastoral Care
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Gabriel & Julia Borden
Middle School
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Austin Steinmeyer
Young Adults Co-Leader
Lead Sound tech
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Nancy White
Young Adults Co-Leader
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Susan Krasch
Women's Ministry
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Jeff Cochran
Lead Usher
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