Our MIssion

Gateway's mission is the same one Jesus gave to all of His disciples two thousand years ago:  to make more disciples (Matthew 28:18-20).  At Gateway we say it this way: 

Helping people become trusting, loving, obedient servants.

We think this gives us a fairly accurate picture of what a follower of Jesus should look like.  First of all, a follower of Jesus needs to believe for without faith it's impossible to even please God (Hebrews 11:6).  So what's faith?  Most simply put, it's TRUST.  Second, a follower of Jesus needs to LOVE.  In fact, Jesus said to love God and to love others were the two greatest commandments (Matthew 22:34-40).  Third, a follower of Jesus doesn't just obey...he wants to OBEY.  In fact, God's own Spirit indwells the believer giving him/her both the desire and the power to obey (Philippians 2:13).  Finally, the follower of Jesus is called to follow Jesus' example and SERVE.


Our Values


Everyone Matters

Every person, Christian and nonChristian alike, is valuable to God and therefore valuable to us.  No one is expendable, disposable, or is ever just a means to an end.


Jesus Meets You Where You’re At

While we were still messed up, Jesus dressed down, became a man, and died for us.  That means you don’t have to dress up your attire or your behavior to come to God…or to Gateway Church. 


In Being Real

We are committed to a “come-as-you-are” culture where both regular and messed up people can be honest, laughing when it’s funny, crying when it hurts, and asking candid questions as we explore faith in Jesus together.


In Doing Life Together

Not just going to church together…not just meeting in groups together…we believe in sharing meals, conversations, our struggles, our resources, and helping each other through life.


There’s a Place for You

No church experience is required!  You don’t have to have everything all figured out before you start following Jesus or serving at Gateway Church.


In Personal Responsibility

We believe growth and transformation happen because we as individual followers of Jesus, want to grow, go “ALL IN” with God, and let others help us on our journey.


Talk Is Cheap!

Don’t just say you’re a follower of Jesus…follow Jesus and be like Him (1 John 2:6):  believe, forgive, sacrifice, serve, and live generously.  Don’t complain about something.  Roll up your sleeves and lend a hand.


We’re All Under Construction

Everyone of us is messed up in some way and none of us is perfect in how we act, think, or in what we believe all the time.  Therefore, grace and mercy is required at all times from all of us.